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Christ instituted the Sacrament of Matrimony when he attended the wedding feast at Cana and through his preaching when he taught that the union of a man and woman in marriage should be permanent until death.  Any couple, one man and one woman, who are baptized and are free to marry may receive this Sacrament.  This means that the man and woman wishing to marry each other:



Arrangements for marriage must be made

6 months in advance.

Marriage Preparation Courses are available.

For detailed information, please click HERE.  


Initial contact must be made

with your parish priest. 

  • must meet the age requirements and any other requirements established by civil and church law;

  • can not have already entered into a valid marriage to someone else (annulments declare that marriages were invalid);

  • must not be under any force or constraint to consent to marriage.


Rev. J.J. Brennan, Pastor

Deacon Gregory Burliuk

Deacon Nicholas Whalen


Office Administrator: Sandra Hanley

Phone:  613-389-3532



Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

490 Days Road

Kingston, Ontario   K7M 5R4

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